Emblem: Bridges
Color: Green and Yellow
Bible Verse: Psalm 100:2 "Worship the Lord with joy. Enter his presence with joyful singing." &
Job 19:25 "As for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last He will take His stand on the Earth."
Hymn: "Rock of Ages"
Fun Song: "Why Me Lord?"
Patriotic Song: "God Bless America"
Motto: We are the bridge from the past to the future, so it all depends upon us.
Project: Membership and communication to build our Order. Project funds to help our lodge halls that need some TLC. Lets work on practicing Odd Fellowship and attracting new members and having fun.
Dedication: I dedicate this year to my family, both inside and outside the I.O.O.F. especially my Dad, Roy Kelly; Jack Martin; Rob Robbins; George Meadors; Vern Wolf; and Don Gleason; who mentored me over the years and showed me that Odd Fellowship can be fun (I hear Don's train whistle every time we elect officers unopposed.) I also dedicate this to my wife LaDonna (Young) who has supported me in everything I do.
Dress Code: White shirt or blouse, black pants or long skirt with the tie I will provide
OFFICERS 2023-2024
Grand Master: Roy "Chip" Kelly II (54)
Deputy Grand Master: Lewis "Brightheart" Headrick (36)
Grand Warden: Cassie Conger (116)
Grand Secretary: Douglas E. Pittman PSGM (7)
Grand Treasurer: Robert Hamby (7)
Jr. Past Grand Master: Joyce Conger PGM (116)
S.G.L. Rep: William "Buddy" Goetsch PGM (16)
Grand Marshal: Faith Benefiel-Schutt (36)
Grand Conductor: Ken Leonard (98)
Grand Chaplain: LaDonna Kelly (54)
Grand Guardian: Lawrence Cowan PGM (7)
Grand Herald: William "Buddy" Goetsch PGM (16)
Grand U.S. Color Bearer: Michael Fisher (Goetsch) (16)
Grand Canadian Color Bearer: Dottie Brenner (2)
Grand Colorado Color Bearer: Roy A. Kelly PGM (54)
Grand IOOF Color Bearer: Antonia Conger (116)
Parliamentarian: Jay Fernandez (29)
Goodwill Ambassador: (In Memoriam) Vern Wolf PGM (8)
Grand Soloist/Grand Musician: Jerry Horton (98)
Grand Master Advisor: Chad Parker PGM(38)
Sound Tech: Richard Goetsch (16)
Officers at Large: Glenn Conger PGM (116)
Lou Brenner PGM (2)